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Next-generation wastewater treatment must be environmentally sustainable by achieving recovery of resources (energy, nutrients, clean water), meeting discharge standards for nutrients and emerging contaminants, and minimizing waste sludge generation. This requires revolutionary ideas. An innovative treatment concept, i.e., NEO-GREEN concept, for meeting this demand is proposed.
“Our goal is the recycling and regeneration of wastewater, and we focus on the removal of COD, nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater.”
—— Prof. Xinmin Zhan
What We Do
Livestock Wastewater
The components of livestock wastewater typically include organic matter (COD), nitrogenous compounds, phosphorous compounds and solid residues and suspended particulate matter from animal manure. Effective wastewater treatment of wastewater is essential to reduce the negative environmental impacts of livestock wastewater.
Anaerobic Digestion (AD)
Livestock wastewater will be sent to a wastewater treatment plant for AD process. AD process consists of a hydrolysis phase, an acid production phase and a gas production phase. During this process, many usable resources such as hydrogen sulfide, methane gas, acetic and butyric acid are generated.
Nitrification Process
The digested effluent contains large amounts of ammonia and phosphate. Ammonia can be oxidized to nitrite and nitrate by microorganisms with nitrification functions. Phosphorus cannot be removed in this process. But ammonia can be oxidized to nitrite and nitrate by nitrifying microorganisms , and they can be converted to gaseous nitrogen by denitrifying microorganisms to escape from the water body.
Simultaneous Nitrogen And Phosphorus Removal
Iron sulfides – based biotechnology includes denitrification and Feammox processes that can convert soluble nitrogen into gaseous nitrogen. At the same time, the dissolved iron ions can form a precipitate with phosphate to remove phosphorus from the water.
As researchers in the field of wastewater treatment, NEO-GREEN concept requires us to pay attention to every step of the wastewater regeneration process. Many of the details cannot be stated in one or two sentences. If you want to learn more about what we have done, click here.
Who We Are
principal investigator
(i) Development of cost-effective and efficient wastewater treatment technologies
(ii) Recovery of organic waste and biomass for use as a sustainable and clean energy source and for building a green agriculture industry
Postdoctoral researcher
(i) Environmental biotechnology and molecular biology, focusing on the production of valuable products by up-cycling resources from wastewater by using microorganisms
(ii) Microbial functions and interactions as a community to be shed light on by meta-omics analyses
Postdoctoral researcher
(i) Nutrient recovery from anaerobic digestate for sustainable waste management
(ii) Application of electrodialysis technology in wastewater treatment
Postdoctoral researcher
(i) Migration and control of pathogen indicator microorganisms and antibiotic resistance genes in livestock farms
PhD researcher
(i) Resource regeneration and sustainable management of animal waste
(ii) Harnessing Electrolysis Technology for Advanced Wastewater Treatment
(iii) Optimization and Application of Biological Fermentation Technology
PhD researcher
(i) Organic solid waste aerobic fermentation: the degradation characteristics of organic matter
(ii) Organic solid waste anaerobic digestion: butyrate recovery from anaerobic digester
PhD researcher
(i) Iron sulfides-based autotrophic denitrification for the recovery of phosphorus and the removal of nutrient and emerging contaminants
(ii) Advanced catalytic materials for purifying water pollutants
PhD researcher
(i) Low carbon-to-nitrogen wastewater treatment based on iron autotrophic denitrification technology
(ii) Development of novel Iron/Biochar based constructed wetland for nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater
PhD researcher
(i) Low carbon-to-nitrogen wastewater treatment based on iron autotrophic denitrification technology
(ii) Development of novel Iron/Biochar based constructed wetland for nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater
PhD researcher
(i) Microalgae technology for wastewater treatment
(ii) Cyanobacterial resourcing and Disposal
(iii) Sulphur autotrophic denitrification filter
PhD researcher
(i) Factors influencing the development of the biogas industry
(ii) Effects of humic substances on anaerobic digestion
PhD researcher
(i) Partial nitration and Anammox process coupled with iron for anaerobic nitrogen removal
(ii) Removal of nitrogen and organic matter based on heterotrophic nitrification aerobic denitrification process