Our Facilities

A brief description of our equipments


  • Model: TOC-L CSN
  • Manufacturer: SHIMADZU
  • Function: Determination of total organic carbon

Nutrients Analyzer

  • Model: Konelab 20XT, Gallery Plus
  • Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, USA
  • Function: Determination of nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphorus, sulfate, iron, etc.


  • Model: Agilent 8860 (equipped with a flame ionization detector and an electron capture detector)
  • Manufacturer: Santa Clara, USA
  • Function: Determination of volatile fatty acid (VFA) and N2O etc.


  • Model: Agilent 7890A (equipped with a thermal conductivity detector and a flame ionization detector)
  • Manufacturer: Santa Clara, USA
  • Function: Determination of biogas (H2, N2, CH4, CO2)


  • Model: Agilent 1260 (equipped with a UV detector)
  • Manufacturer: Santa Clara, USA
  • Function: Determination of antibiotics, volatile fatty acid (VFA), etc.


  • Model: Agilent 1200 (equipped with a UV detector and a RID detector)
  • Manufacturer: Santa Clara, USA
  • Function: Determination of antibiotics, volatile fatty acid (VFA), etc.


  • Model: Sigma 2-6P Centrifuge
  • Manufacturer: SciQuip
  • Function:Separation of solid particles and liquid in suspension

HACH Thermostat

  • Model: DRB 200
  • Manufacturer: HACH
  • Function: Digestion of biochemical samples

Thermal Cyclers

  • Model: Applied Biosystems 2720 Thermal Cyclers
  • Manufacturer: Thermofisher
  • Function: Application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

  • Model: CARY 50 SCAN
  • Manufacturer: Varian
  • Function: Determination of organic and inorganic pollutants


  • Model: Nikon-Eclipse 90i
  • Manufacturer: Nikon
  • Function: Observation of the microstructure of biological samples

Electrochemical Workstation

  • Model: Autolab, PGSTAT204
  • Manufacturer: Metrohm Autolab
  • Function: Determination of Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) curve, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Linear Scan Voltammetry (LSV) curve, etc.

Biohazard Safety Cabinet

  • Model: AC2-4E1
  • Manufacturer: ESCO
  • Function: Handling pathogenic biological samples or applications that require a sterile work zone

Temperature Controlled Room

  • Model: – – –
  • Manufacturer: – – –
  • Function: Sample preservation and low temperature test

Autoclaves Sterilizers

  • Manufacturer: DAVIDSON & HARDY LTD
  • Function: Sterilization and determination of total nitrogen

Freeze Dryer

  • Model: Lyovapor L-200
  • Manufacturer: Buchi
  • Function: Lyophilisation or cryodesiccation of samples via low temperaturedehydration process

lon Chromatography

  • Model: Dionex aquion
  • Manufacturer: Thermo scientific
  • Function: Analysis of anions, such as fluoride, chloride, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, sulfite, sulfate, thiosulfate, selenite and selenite

To be continued

  • Model: – – –
  • Manufacturer: – – –
  • Function: – – –

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