Xinmin Zhan
Principal Investigator
Research interest:
1. Recovery of organic waste and biomass for use as a sustainable and clean energy source and for building a green agriculture industry
2. Development of cost-effective and efficient technologies for domestic and agricultural wastewater treatment
3. Interactions between climate change and the waste treatment infrastructure
4. Development of novel environmental materials for recovery of phosphorus and heavy metals from wastewater
1995~2000 PhD, Department of Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
1991~1995 Bachelor (commerce and engineering), Tsinghua University, China
Work experience:
Since 2014 Professor, University of Galway, Ireland
2023~2023 Visiting Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Janpan
2018~2018 Visiting Professor, Tsinghua-Berkeley College, China
2004~2014 Lecturer, University of Galway, Ireland
2010~2010 Visiting Professor, Gifu University, Japan
2002~2004 Post PhD, University of Galway, Ireland
2001~2001 Lecturer, Gifu University, Japan
1999~2000 Researcher, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
2023~2026 REGENERATE: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and engaging antibacterial resistance in anaerobic treated effluents (Irish PI). Funded by EPSRC-SFI
2022~2024 ADED: Integration of anaerobic digestion (AD) and electrodialysis (ED) for methane yield promotion and ammonium in-situ recovery (PI). Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland
2021~2025 Assessment and optimization of co-digestion of grass silage and animal slurry (PI). Teagsc Walsh Fellowship
2021~2024 Nutrient recovery from digestate using novel electrodialysis technologies (PI). Science Foundation Ireland/Gas Networks Ireland
2020~2023 Predictive tools for degradation of chemicals of emerging concern in livestock manure by anaerobic digestion and advanced oxidation processes. Funded by National Institute of Food and Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture
2019~2019 H2020 PROPOSAL PREP: NEO-GREEN: a technology achieving sustainable wastewater treatment
2018~2021 AREST-Antimicrobial Resistance and the Environment ¿ Sources, persistence, Transmission and risk management. Funded by Irish EPA
2010~2021 Low emission and low energy wastewater treatment technologies for nutrient removal and water re-use (PI). Strategic Initiatives Scheme, NUI Galway
2010~2021 N2O emissions from aerobic granular sludge reactors (PI). State Key Lab on Aquatic Environment, China
2009~2010 Development of an efficient autotrophic biological nitrogen removal system for high strength ammonium wastewater treatment (Coordinator). Funded by Enterprise Ireland
2009~2013 Development of an intelligent intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactor technology for nitrogen rich wastewater treatment (PI). Funded by Irish EPA
2009~2010 Development of redox-stratified membrane bioreactors for nitrogen removal from wastewater (scientist in charge). FP7 Marie Curie Programme
2008~2011 Nitrogen removal from separated liquid after anaerobic digestion of pig manure by means of ANAMMOX in sequencing batch reactors (PI). Teagasc Walsh Fellowship
2008~2012 Energy generation option for pig manure and sustainable disposal of residue. Funded by Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine
2007~2008 An efficient system for disposal of and energy recovery from slaughterhouse waste. Funded by Enterprise Ireland
2006~2008 Nitrogen removal from slaughterhouse wastewater by simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) in sequencing batch biofilm reactors (PI), funded by Irish EPA
2005~2009 Advanced biofilm technologies for water and wastewater treatment. Funded by FP6 Marie Curie Programme
Chair, Chinese-European Society for Environment, Ecology & Sustainability (CESEES)
Associated Foreign Member, Japan Society on Water Environment
Member, International Water Association
Member, Engineers Ireland
Editor, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
Editor, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering